The first Machine-Neural Interfaces (MNI) were becoming refined enough to be used for most medical practices near the end of the 2020s. The first generation MNIs were simple devices that were attached to nerves to allow the signals from the brain to translate to something connected devices could understand and vice verse. The technology became more adapt and eventually an industry standard platform was established that allowed for standard MNI interfaces. While the interfaces were industry standard, they still required surgical access to most nerve centers making them cost-prohibitive for most non-medical uses.
In 2036 the MediSys Corporation made a breakthrough called Artificial Neurons. Artificial Neurons are actually very specialized bacteria that, when injected, will grow and reproduce in a specific pattern. After the bacteria reaches its full growth potential, a catalyst injection is given that sends the bacteria into a specialized form of hibernation. The bacterial colonies form a protective outer shell that insulates it from the rest of the body, while the inner part becomes electrically excitable.
Initially Artificial Neurons were being used for obvious treatments such as nerve damage. By 2037, however, MediSys released MNI2. MNI2 is an artificial implant at the base of the skull that grows an Artificial Neuron Network (ANN) to the brain. From there MNI2 interfaces can be patched to the MNI2 controller with little to no effort. Simply implant the standard MNI2 Plug (simply just called “Plugs”) and a special ANN growth pattern launches and attaches itself to the controller. The controller automatically detects the new neuron that attaches to its interface plate as well as any external device plugged to the jack.
MNI2 enabled a host of other technological revolutions. Without MNI2 immersive virtual reality interfaces for both computers and vehicles would not be possible. MNI2 therapies have taken over penal systems with inmates jacked into corrective therapy programs. MNI2 is also extensively used by Your Child, Our Womb for children raised from implantation to decantation to allow for virtual training and personality development.
A few years after MNI2 was released, MediSys announced the creation of MNI+. MNI+ is a specialized tank that provides a flow of oxygen and nutrient rich artificial blood to a disembodied brain. The brain is attached and clamped to artificial arteries and veins, then floated in a specialized fluid. From there the MNI+ artificial grows to the brain. From there the MNI+ user can be connected to a cyberdeck, inserted into the torso of a cybernetic body, or even control a vehicle.
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